Book Blogger Insider Tag!

Earlier this year I posted a blog schedule that I had intended to stick to. Unfortunately I had a weird couple of months after that and veered off the path. I would really love to get back on track and post regularly again. I hope you all don’t mind my flip-flopping but I am trying my best. I love blogging and I love reading and I just want to share that all with you.

I first saw this tag on Reading with Jessica‘s blog.

Please go check out the creator: A Little Slice of Jamie

Tag at least 5 people when you are done!

Where do you typically write your blog posts?

I typically leave my laptop at my kitchen table and just write there. Sometimes I’ll try to work on a blog post at work. I usually can’t focus long enough if I’m anywhere else other than my kitchen table.

How long does it generally take you to write a book review?

All of my book reviews are different. I put more thought into some rather than others. I would say it ranges from 30-90 minutes altogether. I don’t always sit down and write one the same day or in one day.

When did you start your book blog?

My first post was on October 15, 2017.

What is the worst thing about having a book blog in your opinion?

I tend not to spread the word that a blog post is up. I always end up using my personal social media more than my blog social media.

I don’t read very fast and the pressure to put up book reviews is very stressful. I will say that the pressure is from yourself not from others 99.9% of the time.

I’m not always in the mood to blog. I work a lot and I come home a veg out.

What is the best thing about having a blog in your opinion?

The book blogging community is wonderful. Everyone is supportive but also opinionated. I felt very welcome from the start. (I also love reading and reviewing books. I just figured that was already established.)

What blog post have you had the most fun writing so far?

The 90’s Kids Book Tag.

2018 Popsugar Reading Challenge.

What is your favorite blog post to write? 

My favorite blog post to write is probably Top Ten Tuesdays! 

When do you typically write? 

Whenever I have the motivation. It’s one of those things where sometimes you don’t want to do it but once you start you can’t stop.

Do you review every book you read?

Absolutely not. Some books don’t really deserve a review (in my opinion).

How do you write your book reviews? With a cup of coffee or tea? With Netflix? Cuddled with your fur baby? 

Sometimes I’ll drink a beverage but most of the time I need to only focus on what I want to write.

When do you write your book reviews? Right after finishing the book? Two weeks after finishing the book?

It all depends on the book. Sometimes I’ll write it as soon as I finish and sometimes I’ll wait weeks.

How often do you post? 

Well my schedule is everyday except for Monday’s. I gave that up and now I’m trying to get back on track.

I’m very excited to get back on track with my schedule and post more for you all! I hope you enjoyed this tag, because I did.

I tag: 

  1. Kelly @ Another Book in the Wall
  2. TurningThePages
  3. Jilljemmett
  4. auroralibrialis
  5. Throughthechapters

Do not feel like you have to do it, and if you have done it already then that’s great.

If you enjoyed this post then give it a like and follow me for future tags. Be respectful and happy reading!




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