Five-Star Predictions

Hello, friends! I haven’t updated my five-star predictions list. I don’t even remember what was on the last one. Hopefully some of those were five stars. I hope you think these are some good choices. I don’t really know what type of books I like anymore. It’s really just trial and error. Enjoy!

This book has been on my to-be-read pile since it was first published. My friend actually gifted it to me for my birthday in September, so thank you to her! Now, I need to pick it up and love it.

After reading the synopsis, the names are throwing me off, but I can’t let that stop me. All I know is that it’s loved by many, and hopefully I can join that group.

Disclaimer: I don’t read high fantasy.

This is based on a true story, need I say more? As we all know, my favorite genre is historical fiction, and I definitely don’t read enough of. This is so well loved, and I’m incredibly excited to read it.

I thought I had it on my Kindle, but I can’t seem to find it. I’m not sure what happened to it. I really want to own the physical copy, anyway.

I actually checked this book out at the library before it was popular. I never read it, but it sounds so crazy. I don’t even know what to expect, but I should probably read it during the spooky season, right?

This is the newest release on this list, and I’ve been seeing / hearing good things about it. It’s set in Australia, which I don’t read about… ever. I had it out from the library, but I really just want to own it. I like annotating my books, and this one just needs to be annotated.

I never realized that this had a relatively low rating on Goodreads. I always thought it was a hyped book, but I guess I’m wrong. Either way, I’m super excited to read it and see what I think. I have book two out from the library, so I need to binge read them.

I never hear anyone talk about this. My friend read this for her book club and she loved it. It has amazing ratings on Goodreads, and it’s historical fiction. Sounds like it’ll be something I love.

This series is iconic, right? I have always heard great things about this. It’s another fantasy, so I’m a little nervous, but excited nonetheless. I don’t even know what it’s about. I bought the first two, and as soon as I own the third one I will binge them. Is that ambitious? Absolutely.

Were any of these books five stars for you?

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